Level Zero's YW4MP
You're Welcome 4 My Podcast. The Salty EMS dinks behind Level Zero EMS are now podcasters. Bad idea? Probably. We talk about EMS, medicine, the fire department, nerd stuff, geek stuff, inappropriate stuff and some other stuff. Intro "Rise" by Hat Trick of Misery, used with permission.
Level Zero's YW4MP
Episode 26: The Return of Frequent Flyers and Dumpster Fires
Level Zero EMS
Season 1
Episode 26
Originally recorded on 9/31
This episode marks the return of Instagram EMS memelord @FrequentFlyersandDumpsterFires, and he joins us as WpW regales us with a heroic tale of how he diagnosed a distonic reaction in the field this week, Uncle Meat explains what the netting in men's swim trunks is for, and Hard Stick talks about something we already forgot
Intro/outro "Rise" by Hat trick of Misery. Used with permission